Integrated Project Delivery (IPD), utilizes the collective talents and technologies of the Architect, Construction Company, and Consultants to produce a project that reduces cost and maximizes efficiency throughout the project life-cycle.
The AIA lists eight main sequential phases to the Integrated Project Delivery method:
Conceptualization phase [Expanded Programming]
Criteria design phase [Expanded Schematic Design]
Detailed Design phase [Expanded Design Development]
Implementation Documents phase [Construction Documents]
Agency Review phase
Buyout phase
Construction phase
Closeout phase
Design-build is a method in which the Owner contracts with a single source to provide the design and construction services for a project. In this method, Ron Reeves Construction contracts with the Owner and Architect to minimize Owner’s risk by assuming responsibility for all aspects necessary to bring the project to completion. By holding the contract with the Architect, Ron Reeves Construction can better control tight schedules and budgets. We believe this process results in maximum impact for each dollar spent.
Benefits include:
Working with a single company
Value Engineering
Cost & Time Savings from Integration
Accurate Budgeting
Improved Risk Management
Fewer Change Orders
Construction Management is the planning, coordination and control of a project from start to finish with the goal of completing a project on time and on budget. Managing a construction project from start to finish can be an overwhelming, stressful, and time consuming endeavor. Ron Reeves Construction possesses a vast knowledge of the construction process and is equipped with state of the art project management software as well as a time tested contract structure built to facilitate any project size. With these tools, Ron Reeves Construction is able to effectively manage, the cost, time, quality, and safety related to a project. By serving as a coordinator between the Architect, Engineer, and Contractors, our team provides the Owner with expert guidance and a single point of contact throughout the project.
CM at-risk is a delivery method in which Ron Reeves Construction commits to deliver the project within a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), in most cases. The construction manager acts as consultant to the owner in the development and design phases and similar to a general contractor during the construction phase. When a construction manager is bound to a GMP, the construction manager must manage and control construction costs to not exceed the GMP.